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Studying abroad can be affordable. 根据课程的类型和长度,课程费用差别很大.  

威尼斯人网上娱乐为学生提供各种国际课程模式, including Drake faculty-led programs, exchange programs, and affiliated programs. The type of program, as well as the length of time of the program, has an impact on the financial and billing model. Please read below about the three financial models:

Short-Term Drake Programs

Drake programs, which are typically faculty-led programs, are held during J-term and summer, 而且往往是留学组合中成本最低的选择. While they are the lowest cost options, 他们也可能被认为是学年出勤成本的额外费用. 威尼斯人网上娱乐的学期和夏季国际项目直接向学生收取旅费, but not for tuition, 因为学费是威尼斯人网上娱乐春季学期学费的一部分(对于春季学期注册的全日制学生). 学生通过他们的威尼斯人网上娱乐学生账户(在线或亲自到学生账户办公室)支付项目押金和项目费用。. 当学生被录取进入该计划时,有关付款金额的说明将通过电子邮件发送给学生, methods, and deadlines.

Short-Term Affiliate and Exchange Programs

联盟和交换短期项目通常向学生收取项目费用(学费和非学费)。. 学生们应该意识到,大多数附属和交流项目不包括项目中的机票或餐费(这可能因项目而异)。. The Affiliate or Exchange program will bill you directly. 短期附属国际项目的海外附属教育费用为300美元. 

Semester Programs

For semester programs, students are billed Drake University tuition, 所以无论学生是在得梅因还是在国外,学费都是一样的. 学生可以将他们的经济援助计划申请到批准的海外学习项目. While a student's tuition is the same when abroad, the non-tuition fees, like housing and international health insurance coverage, are billed at the rate of the university or program abroad. This means that depending on the city abroad, the housing can be more or less expensive than Des Moines. Students pay their billable program fees, Drake tuition and the host institution's non-tuition fees, through their Drake Student Accounts. 学生的帐单费用应在威尼斯人网上娱乐学期的第一天到期. 学期附属国际课程的海外附属教育费用为500美元. 

Additional Information

Financial Aid

威尼斯人网上娱乐的学生参加经批准的国际课程,通常可以获得经济援助. The Student Financial Planning 审查每个学生的个人援助计划,以评估他们的资格和援助金额提供给他们.

Drake University allows students to take 100% of their loans, grants, and scholarships on approved semester programs. 唯一的例外是“勤工俭学”不能转到国际项目.

一般来说,短期项目(如J-term和Summer)的经济援助较少。, 但如果你对这些条款的援助感兴趣,你应该和财政援助办公室谈谈. 


Students who participate in J-term or summer Drake-led programs 是否在接收消息中发送了账单时间表和澳门威尼斯人网站. 威尼斯人网上娱乐项目的账单通过通常的方式支付,通过威尼斯人网上娱乐公司 Student Account Services office. Here is an explanation of payment methods:

To pay online, students can log into their, click on the "Student Account & Financial Aid" dropdown menu. 从那里,点击“付款”,然后点击屏幕顶部附近的“存款”. 然后点击“Select Term”,选择你想要支付的术语,比如“J-term 2024”.然后选择“押金支付”,输入您想要支付的金额(押金金额或整个计划的费用). 您的付款方式将是储蓄付款方式,电子支票,借记卡(2).85% fee), or credit (2.85% fee).  You can also mail a check to Drake University. Please include the student's ID number in the memo line. Checks should be mailed to:

Drake University – ATTN: Cashier’s Office

2507 University Avenue

Des Moines, IA 50311

Students who apply to J-term or summer Affiliate or Exchange programs are billed by the Affiliate Partner. Students will pay the affiliate partner directly, and will need to follow their payment deadlines and methods. 

Students who participate in semester programs abroad are billed according to Drake’s typical billing cycle. 学期项目费用通过通常的方式支付,通过威尼斯人网上娱乐 Student Account Services office. 

For Affiliate semester programs, 国外的大学会让我们知道非学费的费用(比如住房), international health insurance, and on-site programming fees). 我们将把这个发票金额添加到学生的威尼斯人网上娱乐账户.

学生将直接向联盟合作伙伴(而不是威尼斯人网上娱乐)支付他们的联盟申请费和/或项目押金。. 学生的课程押金用于支付课程费用,并将从学生的非学费中扣除, housing, health insurance coverage, and on-site programming fees).

Study Abroad Fee

Students who participate in an Affiliate program (such as AIFS, API, ASE, CIEE, IES, IFSA, ISA, SFS, SIT, 和TEAN)在申请门户网站上“提交”课程时(申请后)需要支付海外教育费用, and after being "Accepted" to the education abroad program).

For short-term Affiliate programs, such as J-term and summer, 学生在入学时将被收取300美元的海外教育费用. For academic year, quarter, and semester Affiliate programs, 学生在入学时将被收取500美元的海外教育费用. 威尼斯人网上娱乐的项目和交流项目不受海外教育费用的影响.

The Study Abroad Fee 是否到位,因为有很多支持为威尼斯人网上娱乐的学生提供积极的留学经历. 这包括对项目的建议(从项目选择到经济援助再到课程批准), and more), 技术服务(包括协助风险管理的应用软件), 以及学生在国外时继续使用威尼斯人网上娱乐的服务, like the online library), 在国外发生紧急情况时,该机构提供的援助, 还有重新入学的支持,比如学生在国外学习后处理成绩单. 

Financial Policies

Tuition Exchange or Tuition Rebate 

These programs cannot be applied toward study abroad. 参加学费交换或回扣计划的学生通常可以获得威尼斯人网上娱乐的经济援助,以帮助他们在国外学习. 如果您有任何问题,请与财务援助办公室会面. 

Study Abroad Travel Advisory Policy 

在某些情况下,威尼斯人网上娱乐的财政援助不能用于支持在一个国家的学习 U.S. Department of State has issued a level 3 or level 4 advisory. 在与风险评估委员会协商后,教务长可以批准例外情况.

Cost Structure

Learn more about the study abroad Program Guide Cost Structure.


Our office awards more than $100,000 a year in scholarships to Drake students for international experiences. 此外,我们鼓励学生可以从外部来源申请出国留学奖学金. Read more about scholarships options, and apply early!